Our Board
Board Officers
Jim A. Luff, President
Aurora Payments
Bob Pair, MSPT, Vice President
Pair and Marotta Physical Therapy
Sylvia A. Cariker, Secretary
Clint Baird (Treasurer)
Brown Armstrong CPA
Board Members
Matt Clark
Chain Cohn Clark Attorneys at Law
Ralph Fruguglietti
Frugatti’s Italian Restaurant
Tiffani Graves
Tiffco Bookkeeping
Peter Hunt
Mel Owens
Buck Owens Production Co., Inc.
Rick Peace
Wiki’s Wine Dive & Grill
David Plivelich
The MARCOM Group
Lacy Silicz
Wells Fargo Bank
Mike Willis
Willis & Williams Design Studio
Advisory Board
William L. Alexander
Attorney at Law
James E. Church
Wells Fargo Advisors